- Faculty Research and Innovation Fund, Univ. of So. California
Period: 6/83 6/84, Amount:$2,200.00
Title: Robust Decentralized Adaptive Controllers
- National Science Foundation
Period : 9/84 – 9/85 Amount: $58,334.00
Title :Development of Control Algorithms for Electrical Stimulation of the Human Leg (Subcontract under Rancho Los Amigos Hospital) - National Science Foundation
Period: 1/84 – 1/87 Amount: $75,000.00
Title: Asymptotic Analysis and Robust Design of Adaptive Control
- NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award
Period: 8/85 – 8/90 Amount: $125,000.00 - NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award and General Motors Matching Funds
Period: 12/85 – 6/91 Amount: $500,000.00
Title: Development of Robust Adaptive Control Techniques for Large Scale Systems - Ford Motor Company
Period: 12/85 – 12/87 Amount: $17,500.00
Title: Adaptive Control Algorithms - AT & T
Period: 12/85 – 12/87 Amount: $50,000.00
Title: Control Techniques for Packet Switching Networks - Collaborative Faculty Research and Innovation Fund, Univ. of So. California
Period: 1/85 – 1/86 Amount: $43,347.00
Title: Development of Laboratory for Modeling and Control
With Co-PIs G. Shiflett and H. Flashner
- Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Period: 10/86 – 10/87 Amount: $14,600.00
Sun Workstation
- Rockwell International
Period: 6/87 – 8/88 Amount: $154,607.00
Title: Adaptive Roll Control Studies of the ATW Wind Tunnel Model
(With M. Safonov as co-PI)
- AT & T Information System
Period: 7/88 – 7/90 Amount: $145,000.00
Title: Adaptive Routing and Learning Automata in Networks - National Science Foundation
Period: 9/88 – 7/89 Amount: $11,551.00
Title: Development of Appropriate Adaptive Control Laws for Time-Varying Plant
- Caltrans/PATH
Period: 9/91-5/95 Amount: $2,124,898.00
Title: Automated Vehicle Control
- Ford Motor Company
Period: 6/92 – 6/93 Amount: $75,000.00
Title: Autonomous Intelligent Cruise Control - National Science Foundation
Period: 8/92 – 8/94 Amount: $100,000.00
Title: Adaptive Control: Design Trade-Offs, Robustness, Performance
Period: 10/93-9/94 Amount: $586,000.00
Title: Precursor Systems Analysis of Automated Highway Systems - Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs
Period: 7/93-6/96 Amount: $450,000.00
Title: Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems using Neural Networks
- Caltrans/PATH
Period: 2/95-7/97 Amount: $175,000.00
Title: Evaluation and Analysis of Automated Highway System Concepts and Architectures - USTRANSCOM/California State University Long Beach
Period: 10/95-9/96 Amount: $187,415.00
Title: Center for Commercial Deployment of Transportation Technologies - Caltrans/PATH
Period: 2/95-7/96 Amount: $277,363.00
Title: Development and Experimental Evaluation of Autonomous Vehicles for Roadway/Vehicle Cooperative Driving - PATH
Period: 1/95-12/95 Amount: $49,000.00
Title: National AHS Consortium
Co-PI with R. Hall
- Caltrans/PATH
Period: 3/96-2/97 Amount: $167,056.00
Title: Field Test of Vehicle-Mounted, Forward-Looking Range & Relative Velocity Sensor in Closed-Loop AVCS” (With Amerigon) - NASA/California State University Los Angeles
Period: 9/96-8/99 Amount: $300,000.00
Title: The Use of decentralized Control in Design of a Large Segmented Space Reflector - Caltrans/PATH
Period: 10/96- 9/97 Amount: $86,000.00
Title: Evaluation of Automated/Mixed Traffic
- Caltrans/PATH
Period: 11/01/97-06/30/98 Amount: $42,000.00
Title: Evaluation and Analysis of Automated Highway System Concepts and Architectures
- Caltrans/PATH
Period: 01/01/98-08/31/99 Amount: $78,356.00
Title: Mixed Automated and Manual Traffic - USTRANSCOM/California State University Long Beach
Period: 3/1/98- 12/1999 Amount: $450,000.00
Title: Center for Commercial Deployment of Transportation Technologies - DOT University Center
Period: 6/99-12/2002 Amount: $1,420,900
Title: Metropolitan Transportation Center (METRANS)
(Co-PI with R. Hall, J. Moore, E. Axelband and G. Giuliano)
- USTRANSCOM/California State University Long Beach
Period: 9/1999-8/00 Amount: $427,000.00
Title: Center for Commercial Deployment of Transportation Technologies - National Science Foundation
Period: 5/1/99-4/30/2002 Amount: $240,000.00
Title: On-Line Learning and Control of Partially-Known and Unknown Non-Linear Systems - Caltrans/PATH
Period: 9/01/99-6/30/2001 Amount: $190, 217.00
Title: Evaluation of the Effects of Intelligent Cruise Control Vehicles in Mixed Traffic - Caltrans
Period: 1/99-1/2000 Amount: $274,400
Title: Cooperation on Transportation Research
(Co-PI with R. Hall, J. Moore, E. Axelband and G. Giuliano) - DOT/METRANS
Period: 7/1/99-8/31/2000 Amount: $50,000
Title: Modeling and Route Guidance of Trucks in Metropolitan Area
- NASA/California State University Los Angeles
Period: 1/2000-12/2002 Amount: $162,420.00
Title: Control of a Large Segmented Space Reflector Test Bed - DOT/METRANS
Period: 9/1/2000-8/31/2001 Amount: $47,000
Title: Dynamic Optimization of Cargo Movement by Trucks in Metropolitan
Areas with Adjacent Ports
- Caltrans/PATH
Period: 1/01/01-6/30/2003 Amount: $232,845
Title: Control of Heavy Duty Vehicles; Environmental and Fuel Economy Considerations - Air Force/California State University Los Angeles
Period: 8/1/01- 7/31/04 Amount: $800,000
Title: Multidisciplinary Analyses and Control of High Performance Air Vehicles
(Co-PI with M. Mirmirani, H. Boussalis and C. Wu) - DOT/METRANS
Period: 7/1/2001-8/31/2002 Amount: $50,000
Title: Automated Trucks on Dedicated Lanes for Cargo Movement
- National Science Foundation/USDOT
Period: 1/01/02-12/31/02 Amount: $99,933
Title: Dynamic Cargo Assignment and Route Planning in the Trucking Industry
(Co-PI with R. Hall and M. Dessouky) - DOT University Center
Period: 8/1/2002-9/30/05 Amount: $916,300
Title: Metropolitan Transportation Center (METRANS)
(R. Hall (PI), J. Moore, and G. Giuliano) - PATH/Caltrans
Period: 9/1/02- 6/30/04 Amount: $263,453
Integrated Roadway/Adaptive Cruise Control System: Safety, Performance, Environmental and Near Term Deployment Considerations
- DOT University Center
Period: 4/2003-4/2004 Amount: $2 million
Title: Metropolitan Transportation Center (METRANS)
(with G. Giuliano (PI), R. Hall, J. Moore) - NASA/ California State University Los Angeles
Period: 03/01/03-02/28/08 Amount: $3,000,000
Title: Intelligent Flight Control
Period: 8/1/2003-6/30/2004 Amount: $190,000
Title: Cooperative Optimum Time Window Generation for Cargo Delivery/Pick up with Application to Container Terminals
(with A. Chassiakos) - DOT/METRANS
Period: 8/15/2003-8/14/2004 Amount: $90,000
Title: A Novel Approach to Routing and Dispatching Trucks Based on Partial Information in a Dynamic Environment
(with M. Dessouky)
Period: 10/01/2004-12/05/2005 Amount: $150,000
Title: Development of Methods for Handling Empty Containers with Applications in the Los Angeles/Long Beach Port (with A. Chassiakos)
Period: 09/01/2005-08/31/2006 Amount: $150,000
Title: Simulation Test bed and Evaluation of Truck Movement Concepts on Terminal Efficiency and Traffic Flow
(with A. Chassiakos)
- National Science Foundation
Period: 08/15/05-07/31/2008 Amount: $240,000
Title: GOALI: Nonlinear Adaptive Control and Sensing for Precision Control with Application to Servo Control of Disk Drives (with Alvin Despain)
- US DOT Research and Special Projects Administration
Period: 07/01/05-06/30/06 Amount: $780,000.00
Title: Metropolitan Transportation Center (METRANS)
(with G. Giuliano (PI), J. Moore, M. Dessouky)
- California Department of Transportation
Period: 07/01/05-06/30/06 Amount: $780,000.00 (matching funds)
Title: Metropolitan Transportation Center (METRANS)
(with G. Giuliano (PI), J. Moore, M. Dessouky)
- US DOT Research and Special Projects Administration
Period: 07/01/06-06/30/07 Amount: $860,000.00
Title: Metropolitan Transportation Center (METRANS)
(with G. Giuliano (PI), J. Moore, M. Dessouky)
- California Department of Transportation
Period: 07/01/06-06/30/07 Amount: $860,000.00 (matching funds)
Title: Metropolitan Transportation Center (METRANS)
(with G. Giuliano (PI), J. Moore, M. Dessouky)
- US DOT Research and Special Projects Administration
Period: 07/01/07-06/30/10 Amount: $3,000,000.00
Title: Metropolitan Transportation Center (METRANS)
(with G. Giuliano (PI), J. Moore, M. Dessouky)
- CaliforniaDepartment of Transportation
Period: 07/01/07-06/30/10 Amount: $3,000,000.00 (matching funds)
Title: Metropolitan Transportation Center (METRANS)
(with G. Giuliano (PI), J. Moore, M. Dessouky)
Period: 02/01/2007-01/31/2009 Amount: $359,507.00
Title: Reconfiguration Strategies for Mitigating the Impacts of Port Disruptions
(with A. Chassiakos)
- Foundation for Research Promotion/University of Cyprus
Period: January 2007- December 2008, Amount:$178,000
Title: TrafficNet
(with A. Pitsillides)
- NASA/ California State University Los Angeles
Period: 03/01/07-02/28/09 Amount: $442,500
Title: Intelligent Flight Control
(with M. Mirmirani)
Period: 09/01/2008-08/31/2009 Amount: $90,000
Title: Security and Vulnerability of Major Infrastructure, and Safety and Risk Mitigation
(with J.P. Bardet and J. Moore)
- CaliforniaDepartment of Transportation
Period: 10/01/06-09/30/11 Amount: $1,659,600
Title: Metropolitan Transportation Center (METRANS),
Grant DTRT07-G-0060
(with G. Giuliano (PI), J. Moore, M. Dessouky)
Foundation for Research Promotion/University of Cyprus
Period: December 2008- December 2010, Total Funds: $130,00
Title: Emergency Message Dissemination for Safety Applications in Vehicular Adhoc Networks (VANETS) (with A. Pitsillides)
- Department of Homeland Security/CREATE
Period: January 2009-August 2009, Total Funds: $50,465.00
Title: Terminal/Roadway modeling and security scenarios analysis
- Department of Homeland Security/CREATE
Period: August 2009-December 2009, Total Funds: $50,609.00
Title: Terminal/Roadway modeling and security scenarios analysis year 2
- Department of Homeland Security/CREATE
Period: January 2010-December 2010, Total Funds: $50,609.00
Title: Terminal/Roadway modeling and security scenarios analysis year 3
- California Department of Transportation/METRANS
USC Account no. 53-4503-3680
Period: 01/01/2011-12/31/2011 Total Funds: $90,000
Title: Dynamic Variable Speed Limit Control: Design, Analysis and Benefits
- VW Group of America
USC Account no. 53-4503-3483
Period: 01/01/2011-12/31/2013 Total Funds: $450,000
Title: AUDI Urban Intelligent Drive Assist
- Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems
USC Account no. 22-1503-1300
Period: July 2012 -2013, Total Funds: $40K
Title: Stability Margins in Adaptive Control
- Korean Maritime Institute
USC Account no. 22-1503-1500
Period: 2012, Total Funds: $30K
Title: Survey of Logistics Technologies in the USA
Investigator: P. Ioannou 100%
- Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems
USC Account no. 22-1503-1300
Period: 3/28/2011- 12/31/2012, Total Funds: $45K
Title: Stability Margins in Adaptive Control
Investigator: P. Ioannou 100%
- Department of Homeland Security/CREATE
Period: January 2012-December 2012, Total Funds: $52780.85
Title: Terminal/Roadway modeling and security scenarios analysis
Investigator: P. Ioannou 100%
- USDOT Federal Transit Administration
Period: September 1, 2011 – June 30, 2013, Total Funds: $899864
USC Proposal Number 15718.0007
Title: “Technical and Safety Evaluation of the Southern California Regional Rail Authority Positive Train Control Deployment Project
Investigators: Moore, J. E. (Principal-20%), Dessouky, M. M. (Co-Principal-20%), Ioannou, P. A. (Co-Principal-20%), Mitra, U. (Co-Principal-20%), Meshkati, N. (Co-Principal-20%)
- US Department of Transportation (US DOT) Research and Special Projects Administration (RSPA)
Award No. DTRS98-G-0019; USC Account No. 53-5701-6460,
Period: July 1, 2007 -June 30, 2012., Total Funds: $3583000
Title: METRANS Transportation Center (National Center for Metropolitan Transportation Research)
Investigators: Giuliano, G. (PI), Moore, J. E. (Co-PI), Ioannou, P. A. (Co-PI), Dessouky, M. (Co-PI),
- MOU Between the California Department of Transportation and the University of Southern California for Cooperation of Transportation Research
PCR# 13322.7802; USC Account No. 53-5701-4001,
Period: July 1, 2007 -June 30, 2012, Total Funds: $3583000
Title: METRANS Transportation Center (National Center for Metropolitan Transportation Research)
Investigators: Giuliano, G. (PI), Moore, J. E. (Co-PI), Ioannou, P. A. (Co-PI), Dessouky, M. M. (Co-PI)
Volvo Research and Education Foundation
Period: September 2013- Sept. 2017; Total Funds $3,499,999
Title: METROFREIGHT The Local/Global Challenge of Urban Freight
Investigators: Giuliano G. (PI), M. Dessouky (co-PI), P. Ioannou (co-PI)
- Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems
USC Account no. 22-1503-1300
Period: 2013-2014, Total Funds: $45K
Title: Stability Margins in Adaptive Control
Investigator: P. Ioannou 100%
- US Department of Transportation (US DOT) Research and Special Projects Administration (RSPA)
Award No. ; USC Account No.
Period: 2013 – 2016, Total Funds: $6,127,768
Title: METRANS Transportation Center (National Center for Metropolitan Transportation Research)
Investigators: Giuliano, G. (PI), M. Boarnet (Co-PI), Ioannou, P. A. (Co-PI), Dessouky, M. (Co-PI).