The software packages below are for educational purposes only. The use of the software for commercial or consulting purposes without the written permission of the developers is prohibited.
Liability Statement
The developers of the software packages Macro -TermSim and Cost-TermSim should not be held responsible for any damage which may be caused due to the use of these tools to make decisions.
This work has been supported by the University Transportation Center METRANS at the University of Southern California and California State University at Long Beach.
For further information contact:
Professor Petros Ioannou
Tel: +1 (213) 740 4452
Click Links Below to Download the Software
Terminal CostTerminal: Cost-TermSim
(Directions: Clink on Cost-TermSim , then save it on your computer. Click on the .exe file to start the software. The manual explaining the purpose and how to use the software is under the help icon of the executed file)
(Directions: Click on each underlined item and save the file on your computer. Read the guide how to use the software. When ready click on the exe file you downloaded to start the simulator)